Welcome to Mind Mouth Motion

    Being healthy and staying well is about more than pills, pokes, and the latest fads. We are Spirit, Soul, and Body; and our approach to wellness must address each of those parts. Here at Mind Mouth Motion we'll bring you truth to help you make better choices to obtain a healthier live-style.

Our Philosophy Simplified

MIND - How you think matters.

MOUTH - What you eat & how you speak.

MOTION – Taking action in our words, deeds and exercise.

We send a Newsletter with the latest happenings and products at Mind Mouth Motion. We invite you to join and promise to keep your info to ourselves.

Why Mind Mouth Motion?

We want to help you become a better version of yourself, then give you tools to help others.


All of the battles you win begin in your mind.

What kind of battle will you
fight for a healthy body? One you think you can win? Or one that you think you
will give up on when the going gets tough?

Our approach to physical fitness
includes discipline in not only exercise and eating but also what you THINK.

"For as he thinks in his
heart, so is he." - Proverbs 23:7 NKJV


Face it. Your mouth has a lot to
do with how healthy you are going to be.

Are you putting good things in
it? Whole foods that God intended, or are you opting for easy, convenient,
fast, pre-packaged, chemical and sodium-laden, foods, THINKING that you're
eating healthy because it's in the TITLE on the PACKAGE?

What about what's coming out? Do you say "I can't do this" or "This is too hard" ?  If so, it's time to change.

Mind Mouth Motion brings the truth to
you and help you make healthier choices that will fit your lifestyle and retrain your taste buds.


Having the discipline to exercise
is where our clients face the most difficulty. Mind Mouth Motion comes along
side you to remind you of your end goal. Mind Mouth Motion uses a number of
different approaches to get you to your personal best after a full personalized
assessment. We include Plyometrics, Isometric, Low Impact Cardio and much more!

Motion on the spiritual side is being in tune willing to act and  “move” when the Spirit tells you to.


We are so glad you are here!

Mind Mouth Motion

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